Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Liars - We Fenced Other Gardens with the Bones of Our Own

This is a weird fucking song. I remember when I first heard it after being a fan of their debut album. That they could take such a bizarre turn instead of simply rehashing their previous work was interesting. That they could actually pull it off and create something great was even more impressive. It's kind of hard to judge this song without hearing something from their earlier work so as a special bonus I'll include a second song to make up for skipping the previous week.

Liars - We Fenced Other Gardens with the Bones of Our Own

Special bonus song:

Liars - Grown Men Don't Fall in the River, Just Like That

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The-Dream - Fancy

When most people create a drum loop as interesting as The Dream does "Fancy" they have no qualms about beating it into the ground. Not The Dream, he throws it out during the last 30 seconds like it's not big deal. He's probably right, the song has more than enough going for it even though it's primarily a minimalist ballad. I'm nowhere near knowledgeable about modern r&b to make this statement, but I'll make it anyway, I sincerely doubt there's been a better r&b song released in 2009.

The-Dream - Fancy

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Bonnie "Prince" Billy - Madeleine-Mary

Sometimes I'll feel like writing a bunch a words about a song. Sometimes I'll just post the song and say nothing about it. Guess which one this is.

Bonnie "Prince" Billy - Madeleine-Mary

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Crocodiles - Soft Skull (In My Room)

One complaint that gets tossed around about this band is that they sound too much like the Jesus and Mary Chain. Whatever, the world needs more bands that sound that awesome.

Anyway, here's the song.

Crocodiles - Soft Skull (In My Room)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Constantines - Soon Enough

This is easily the Constantines best song. I really don't understand why they're not insanely popular, they're such a great band.

Constantines - Soon Enough

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Cass McCombs - You Saved My Life

This is a really sweet song. I don't really feel like saying much more about it.

Cass McCombs - You Saved My Life

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Raekwon - Canal Street

This is probably my favorite song from Only Built 4 Cuban Linx Part II.

Since EMI Records are being a bunch of whiny ass fuck-faces I'm just posting the youtube video of the song now.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Fleetwood Mac - Dreams

This song is super rad! In fact, it's probably the raddest song on Rumours.

Fleetwood Mac - Dreams